Snowflake Northstar Event

TechJar Technologies at the Snowflake Program!

Our TechJar team had the privilege of attending the Snowflake program, diving into groundbreaking topics and enhancing our skills in data engineering and machine learning.

Highlights from the event:

Data Engineering with Snowpark for Python:

🛠️ Set up environments, ingested, and organized data from S3 into Snowflake.
📊 Explored data engineering using Snowpark DataFrames for transformations.
🚀 Mastered orchestrating data pipelines with Snowflake Python Tasks API.
📥 Learned to download and analyze data from Snowflake Marketplace.
Machine Learning Functions in Snowflake:

🧠 Gained insights into SQL-based ML Functions for time-series data.
🔍 Focused on Forecasting, Anomaly Detection, and Contribution Explorer.
📈 Built models to predict trends and detect anomalies in business data.
Native Applications with Snowflake:

🖥️ Created a Snowflake Native App for analyzing sensor data from chairlifts.
📊 Developed dashboards, configurations, and visualizations for real-time insights.

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